A Guide to the Full Wolf Moon in Leo

On the 25th of Jan 2024 we will be blessed with the first full moon of the year! This full moon, also known as the ‘wolf moon’ will be aligned with the energy of the Leo. This powerful moon brings a cascade of vibrant energies, inviting us to harness its transformative potential. Lets look further into this and explore how this amazing moon can help us all using the guidance of crystals.

Understanding the Full Wolf Moon in Leo

The Full Wolf Moon derives its name from Native American and early Colonial North American traditions, marking the time when wolves were heard howling in hunger. In Leo, the moon exudes the fiery energy of the lion—bold, confident, and creative. This celestial event encourages us to embrace our authenticity, express our creativity, and step into the spotlight with courage.

Full Moon Ritual with Crystals:

  1. Cleanse Your Space: Begin by cleansing your space with the smoke of incense or using sound cleansing. As the smoke clears, set the intention to release any stagnant energy.

  2. Charge Your Crystals: Place your chosen crystals under the moonlight on the night of the Full Wolf Moon. Visualise them absorbing the lunar energy and amplifying their natural properties.

  3. Meditation and Intention Setting: Sit in a quiet space, holding your crystals. Meditate on Leo's energy—bold, passionate, and authentic. Set intentions for self-expression, creativity, and embracing your unique gifts.

  4. Create a Crystal Grid: Arrange your crystals in a grid formation, focusing on the energy you wish to manifest. Use Citrine, Sunstone, and Labradorite to enhance the Leo energy and infuse your space with positivity.

  5. Let Go: Write a letter or write a list of things you want to let go of, full moons are a time to release what is no longer serving you.


Connecting with Crystals for Leo Energy:

  1. Citrine: Channel the vibrant energy of Leo with Citrine, known for boosting creativity, confidence, and personal power. Carry it with you to enhance your self-expression.

  2. Sunstone: Radiate warmth and positivity with Sunstone. This crystal aligns with the Leo energy, bringing joy, vitality, and a sense of playfulness into your life.

  3. Labradorite: Embrace the mystical side of Leo's energy with Labradorite. This iridescent gem enhances intuition, creativity, and spiritual insight, aligning perfectly with the heightened energies of the full moon.

Labradorite Tumblestone
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